Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Why Farsiland?

If I google farsiland, I end up on a page on the Kingdom of Farsiland. Actually, I named my blog farsiland, because the aim of my trip was to travel through the countries where farsi is spoken. Farsi is also known as persan, dari, or tadjik. It is spoken in countries like Iran, Afghanistan (dari), Tajikistan (tadjik), Uzbekistan and Kirghizstan.

I planned to travel from Dushambe to Mashhad, or from Bishkek to Mashhad: Crossing the border of Tadjikistan and Afghanistan in the beautiful pamir mountains, crossing the legendary Pamir river, visiting the shrine of Mazar-e-Sharif and ending up in Mashhad, a beautiful holy city in eastern Iran.

But the political situation of the region made me change my plans. It is well known that elections brings insecurity in countries like Afghanistan or Iraq. The bad guys try to show their strength so that the good guys do not go to vote. And next september, there will be legislative elections in Afghanistan. And so, the situation is not perfect to visit this country. Actually, I wanted to stay in the north of the country, as the south does seem to know that the war is over... But the north have its own drawbacks. Aside the huge drugs production in the North East region of Badakhshan, the road are in a real bad shape. Even more since the last flooding which occurs between Kunduz and Taloqan. Even better: The road between Mazar e Sharif and Herat in the west of the country is not very secure. First , there are some cases of banditry, and second, the last news seems to say that the road is closed...

Only good news! It seemed then to be impossible to cross the North and West part of the country. I have therefore to stay in the Pamir region, between Tadjikistan and Kirghizstan...


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